The decision to seek home care is a major step and one that should be approached with care and thorough research. It’s an important transition for your loved one, and it requires thoughtful consideration.
While it may be tempting to put off the decision for a little longer, remember that ensuring your loved one’s safety and quality of life is the reason why families choose Executive Home Care. They frequently tell us they regret not reaching out sooner.
Questions to Consider
To determine if it’s time to arrange for home care for your loved one, ask yourself the following questions:
Are care needs increasing?
One clear sign that home care may be necessary is a change in personal grooming or cleanliness around the home. Some seniors experience these changes gradually, while for others, they can be noticeable within a short time.
Perhaps there are growing piles of mail, dishes left undone, or a noticeable decline in personal hygiene.
Even if your loved one doesn’t explicitly ask for help, these subtle signs may indicate they need assistance with daily tasks.
Are you stressed from providing the care yourself?
It’s common for family members to step up and provide care for their aging loved ones, only to feel the weight of the responsibility lead to burnout.
While it’s understandable to want to help your aging parent or grandparent remain independent, if caregiving is leaving you feeling spent, it might be time to reach out for help.
Are there numerous falls, injuries, or illnesses?
While seniors can usually adapt their homes to their needs, declining mobility over time can lead to more injuries, such as bruises or fractures.
Aging also often results in a weakened immune system. If you’ve noticed a higher incidence of illnesses, it may be time to consider home care options for your loved one.
Where to Go from Here
Deciding that a loved one needs home care is rarely simple. A conversation with a caring professional can often ease the burden and help you feel more confident in your decision.
Your local Executive Home Care team is ready to offer guidance and discuss your available options during this time.
Reach out today, and let’s start the dialogue.