What You Need To Know About Senior Personal Care Services

What You Need to Know About Senior Personal Care Services

Senior personal care services cover the most intensive forms of care a senior can receive. Personal care services can make seniors live a bit easier and they can also save lives.

Senior Care Can Encompass Many Different Services. Senior Personal Care Services Focus On Helping Seniors Take Care Of Themselves.

There is no one type of senior care service. Different senior care services can be placed in different categories. For example, some senior care services focus on the mental health of seniors. These are called “companion services”. Other senior services focus on helping seniors deal with chores and take care of their homes. These are called “homemaking services”. Skilled care involves services that can only be rendered by a registered nurse, which can also be provided inside seniors’ private homes. Personal care services help seniors with the Activities of Daily Living.

What Are The Activities Of Daily Living?

The “Activities of Daily Living” is a term that we at Executive Home Care use to describe the types of activities that personal care services attend to. Basically, these are the activities that we all do every day to take care of ourselves and often don’t think twice about, such as showering or taking a bath. But for the elderly, bathing and showering can be uncomfortable and even dangerous. We might forget to clip our nails as much as we should, but it’s no difficulty to actually clip them. But for an elderly person with Parkinson’s Disease it can be a near-impossible task. And the young healthy might have no issues using the toilet, but that’s because we don’t have to deal with a colostomy or ostomy bag. For seniors who deal with this issues, personal care services are not only helpful, they’re often necessary.

Senior personal care services include:

  • Assisting with eating, bathing, using bath equipment, dental and denture care, grooming, and hair care
  • Assisting with bowel regularity, self-administered medications, basic skin care, and nail maintenance
  • Emptying or changing external urinary collecting devices, including catheter bags
  • Providing colostomy care and emptying ostomy bag
  • Assistance with urinals, bedpans, and commodes
  • Providing bowel and bladder incontinence care
  • Encouraging seniors to perform normal body movements and to follow prescribed exercise programs
  • Assisting with positioning in bed, wheelchair, and other chairs
  • Assisting with transferring to and from bed, wheelchair, toilet, and chair
  • And more

Executive Home Care

Executive Home Care offers in-home senior personal care services that cover all the above and more. Many clients who receive one form of care can also benefit from other services, which is why we also offer companion care, homemaking services, and skilled care. To learn more, please get in touch with us today.

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