Most of us are at least vaguely familiar with the concept of senior care. The older we get the likelier we are to develop health problems and see or abilities limited. It’s merely a factor of age and as hard as it may be to accept, we really don’t have any other choice. But we can prepare ourselves for the issues associated with aging, as well as do what we can when it comes to helping the seniors around us. But the problem is, some of us don’t think as insightfully as we might when trying to help our senior parents or loved ones.
Our first instinct is to try to help our elderly loved ones with everything ourselves. If this means helping them with yardwork or some chores once a week, some of us can manage this, no problem. But there are other problems that are much bigger with which we can’t help. And then there are problems that we can’t recognize ourselves. What do we do then?
Senior Home Care
The first thing you should do is look into senior home care. Sadly, there are still some folks who don’t realize that senior home care is an option. Some still think that senior care means moving into a senior care facility, such as an assisted living community or a nursing home. While many of these facilities are run very well, a lot of seniors don’t want to move out of their homes. For them, senior home care is the best option. But just what services are available when it comes to senior home care?
Senior Home Care Services
There are a plethora of senior care services available to the elderly. Need a little help with chores and errands? For that, there are Homemaking Services. Need a hand with getting in and out of bed or wheelchairs? Then try Personal Care Services. Seniors can even receive Live-In Care for 24/7 assistance or Specialized Care to work with a caregiver who is especially skilled at caring for seniors with a specific condition, such as ALS, MS, or Alzheimer’s Disease. But there’s still a type of care that we have not covered.
Companion Care
Did you know that seniors are at a higher risk of isolation than other age groups? It’s true. As we enter our senior years, we often retire. And then our friends move away or pass away (or both), and maybe even our spouses do, too. Many seniors live alone and don’t have many people with whom to interact. This lack of companionship can have serious consequences. Isolation can lead to depression which can lead to a whole host of problems such as lack of appetite, neglect of self care, and even suicidal thoughts.
But companion care can help to stave off all of these problems. We all want to give our elderly loved ones all the companionship they need. But it’s not practical; we can’t be with them all the time. And sometimes there are things seniors aren’t always comfortable sharing with their children. Companion care can solve these problems and help seniors maintain their emotional and mental health.
Get in Touch
To learn more about companion care or to arrange for some companion care for the senior in your life, please contact Executive Home Care today.