If you’re looking for a live-in caregiver, this article will give you all the information you need to know to make the right decision for your family.
Looking For A Live-In Caregiver? You’ll Need Somebody You Can Trust.
Perhaps the biggest concern people have regarding live-in care is similar to concerns many of us had as younger people looking for roommates for an apartment. You’re essentially going to live with somebody who is a stranger to you now, and that’s kind of scary. But unlike two 26-year-olds sharing an apartment together, a live-in caregiver is not simply a roommate but somebody who is tasked with providing the care that an (usually) elderly person needs. And you probably don’t know somebody already who can do that, so how do you overcome this hurdle?
While you may not know your future live-in caregiver, if you can trust the health care agency you hire, that’s what counts. At Executive Home Care, we have helped countless clients over the years and have arranged for live-in care many times. All our caregivers are employees who have come through our extensive pre-employment screening, which includes a criminal background check and a verification of references. All our caregivers are bonded, insured, and skills-tested so you can rest assured that your live-in caregiver will be trustworthy, professional, and courteous.
You Arrange For Live-In Care Not Just For The Regular Services A Caregiver Provides, But For What They Can Do In An Emergency.
You can arrange for a caregiver to visit you or an elderly loved one every day or even multiple times a day. These caregivers can provide personal care, companionship, and homemaking services as needed. Perhaps the biggest difference between a live-in caregiver and one who visits is not so much the time they spend providing care, but their near omnipresence.
Having a live-in caregiver means having somebody there in case of an emergency. If a senior falls on the way back from the bathroom at two in morning, they won’t have to lie there in discomfort for six hours until a caregiver visits. There will be a caregiver living in the room just down the hall who can get up and help them as needed.
Live-In Care Requires Certain Specifications.
Of course, live-in caregivers don’t work 24-7. While they can be around to help in an emergency, they still need their own room, privacy, and a schedule where they have time off. Families often arrange to visit their elderly loved one at times when the live-in caregivers is not scheduled to work.
Executive Home Care
If you’re looking for a live-in caregiver, please contact us via our website or call (888) 963-9133.