It is possible to get a caregiver to live in the same home as a senior and provide care as necessary. But would such a move really be worth it? Who should arrange for live-in senior care and when?
What Is Live-In Senior Care?
Since you’re on this website, you probably already know that senior care is not only provided in senior care communities. Facilities such as nursing homes and assisted living communities are great for some seniors, but not so much for others. Some seniors don’t want to leave their homes; they’re comfortable and happy there. Others don’t want to have to pay the sometimes expensive rents and fees that senior care facilities charge. That’s why in-home care is so popular right now.
Caregivers can visit seniors in their own homes and provide them with personal care, companionship, homemaking services, and more. But what if a senior needs more than weekly, daily, or even twice-daily visits? What then? That’s when live-in senior care can help. When seniors need somebody on-hand to help in case of an emergency 24/7, they can arrange for a caregiver to live in their home with them.
How Does Live-In Senior Care Work?
Not every situation is appropriate for live-in senior care. First, you need to have the room. Live-in senior caregivers need their own rooms in which they can live and have privacy. They also need their own time and their own personal lives. Just because they live with their client does not mean they can work 24/7. Families often have to arrange a schedule when they can spend time with their elderly loved one and give the live-in senior caregiver time and days off.
Is Live-In Senior Care Expensive?
Because the live-in senior caregiver is living in the home with the senior and providing care for hours each day, live-in senior care is going to cost more than paying for a caregiver to visit once a week or even once a day. Having said that, live-in care is still often less expensive than moving into a senior care facility.
Is Live-In Senior Care Really Worth It?
To many people, live-in senior care seems like going to extreme lengths to avoid moving into a senior care community. But that’s not really fair. First, live-in senior care is hardly extreme. And second, if your elderly loved one really doesn’t want to move out, isn’t it worth making the effort to allow them to stay in their homes? If your elderly parent won’t be happy in a senior care community, you should really explore your live-in senior care options.
Executive Home Care
To learn more about live-in senior caregivers, please contact us via our website or call (888) 963-9133.