Personal care can help seniors in a variety of different ways. This article will go over a number of different services that personal care can offer to seniors.
Personal Care Helps Seniors Accomplish The Activities Of Daily Living.
Some forms of senior care help seniors with their mental health (companionship care). Some forms of senior care help seniors with pragmatic matters such as taking care of their homes (homemaking care). Personal care helps seniors physically. Personal care helps seniors take care of themselves and manage what we at Executive Home Care term the “Activities of Daily Living”.
We use this term to describe everyday tasks of self-care that we all must do. We all have to get out of bed each morning and get back in it at night. In between we have to shower, shave, brush our teeth, or take care of our dentures. We have to use the toilet. We have to get up and down stairs. We have to eat and more. Personal care can help seniors do all these things and more.
Personal Care Helps Seniors In The Bathroom.
Many seniors experience struggles in the bathroom. First there’s using the toilet. Some seniors have problems with bowel regularity and others struggle with incontinence. Some seniors need help using bedpans or commodes and others have to use external urinary devices like catheter bags, and other use ostomy bags or colostomy bags. These items aren’t always easy to use, especially when seniors are first getting used to them. Senior caregivers can help with all of them.
But the toilet is one of only two prominent fixtures in the bathroom, the other being the bath or shower. The bathtub can be a dangerous place for seniors, that’s why personal caregivers can help seniors get in and out of showers and baths as well as bathe themselves, if necessary. But bathing is only one part of cleaning and grooming. There’s dental/denture care, skin care, nail maintenance, combing hair, and more, and personal caregivers can help seniors with all of these.
Personal Care Helps Seniors Improve And Maintain Good Health.
Beyond staying clean, one needs to eat healthy to be healthy. Yet many seniors don’t eat healthy either because they can’t really cook for themselves, or in cases of neurodegenerative diseases, they simply forget to eat. Personal caregivers can help seniors with eating and remind them to take medication. Personal care can also help seniors follow prescribed exercise routines. Furthermore, all these personal care services and more can be provided to seniors in their own private homes.
Executive Home Care
To learn more about personal care for seniors, please contact us via our website or call (888) 963-9133.