It’s officially spring (even though it still doesn’t feel like it in some states), and with spring comes gardening. Gardening can be a great way to get outside and get moving when the warmer weather comes around.
Here are some tips for all the senior gardeners out there!
- Paint tool handles
Sometimes tools can be hard to find, especially after a long winter of not using them. Painting the handles with bright colors will make them easier to locate.
- Garden vertically
Bending over and stopping back be hard on anyone’s back, so why not try gardening vertically? A vertical garden or trellis will make it much easier to garden and weed without all that back pain.
- Utilize raised flower beds
Another great option is planting raised flower beds, so you can sit and garden at the same time.
- Sit, don’t squat
When in doubt, bring out a stool or chair and sit while your garden. This will help to avoid constant stooping and squatting.
- Use the proper tools
Long handled or curved handled tools will provide better leverage and be easier to grip. They will also help if you are sitting while you garden.
- Check the time
Be careful about what times you garden. The best times would be early in the morning or later in the day, as it is cooler during those times. Try to avoid being outside between 10am and 2pm, but if you are out during those times, make sure to drink plenty of water and take shade breaks.
- Dress properly
Wear lightweight clothing, sunscreen, sunglasses, a hat and gardening gloves to help protect you from the sun.
Gardening is an activity that is enjoyed by so many people! Keep enjoying it!