Facts About Alzheimer’s Care

Facts About Alzheimer's Care

If you or an elderly loved one in  Richmond, Virginia, have been diagnosed with Alzheimer’s disease, you should read up on your Alzheimer’s care options.

1. Alzheimer’s Disease Is A Form Of Dementia.

Not only is Alzheimer’s a form of dementia, it is the most common form of dementia. Alzheimer’s comprises 60%–70% of all cases of dementia, which is the name for a disorder that manifests as a set of related symptoms as a result of brain damage via disease or injury. These are neurodegenerative diseases which means they’re caused by the brain degrading. There is no known cure for Alzheimer’s, its causes are not fully understood, and it is a progressive disease, which means it gets worse over time.

2. Alzheimer’s Disease Is Common.

As of 2020, about 50 million people had been diagnosed with Alzheimer’s worldwide. In the Commonwealth of Virginia, about 150,000 people 65 and older have been diagnosed with the disease. The onset of the disease is usually at 65 or older. Life expectancy is typically 3–9 years after diagnosis, though this depends on a variety of factors.

3. Short-term Memory Loss Is The Most Common First Symptom.

Alzheimer’s manifests and progresses differently from patient to patient. That said, the most common first symptom is short-term memory loss and the inability to retain new information. After that, common symptoms include disorientation, mood swings, problems with language, loss of motivation, and self-neglect. If you’re concerned about your memory, you can talk to your doctor about the possibility of Alzheimer’s, however, it should be noted that difficulty remembering things is also a common symptom of natural aging and does not necessarily mean you have Alzheimer’s.

4. Implementing Alzheimer’s Care Shortly After Diagnosis Can Reap Benefits.

At the time of diagnosis, most Alzheimer’s patients are still high functioning. Short-term memory loss is annoying, but most can largely manage their own lives. Even so, it’s imperative to get them used to certain routines. While retaining new information might be difficult, repetitive actions at the same time every day, such as wakeups, meals, meetings with caregivers, showers or baths, and bedtime, can help Alzheimer’s patients order their days. Working with a home healthcare agency soon after diagnosis can help make for a smoother transition to other care services as the disease progresses.

5. Executive Home Care Offers Alzheimer’s And Dementia Care In Richmond, VA.

Executive Home Care is a premier home healthcare provider. We offer dementia and Alzheimer’s care to seniors in Richmond. We can help Alzheimer’s patients with specialized care as well as standard personal care, companionship, and homemaking services. To learn more about what we do, please contact us via our website or call (804) 419 6900


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