“An ounce of prevention is worth a pound of cure”, so says the old saying (attributed to Benjamin Franklin). While I haven’t checked the cure-prevention exchange rate yet today, it’s safe to assume that this old truism is more or less, well, true. Exercise and eat healthy before you develop unhealthy conditions. Put on sunscreen before you go to the beach rather than slather aloe over your burnt, skin. Quit smoking before you develop emphysema.
Preventative measures
For starters, let us state that all the same rules that apply to healthy living for people under 65 apply to people over 65, too. A healthy diet and regular exercise (for those able-bodied enough to do so) are good for everybody, regardless of age. Of course, a senior’s exercise regimen will be different from a 25-year-old’s, but the basic principle remains the same. For seniors who want to remain healthy, regular exercise is crucial. To find out what exercise (and diet) is best for you or your elderly loved one, you can set up a meeting with a care coordinator and you can develop a plan together.
Mental health
But that’s just your physical health. When we think about health care, we most often think of it in terms of our physical health. But to be honest, our physical health is just one part of our overall health. Our emotional and mental health is just as important. Indeed, poor mental health often leads to poor physical health. And as a demographic, seniors are at a high risk of being isolated, which can lead to loneliness, which can lead to depression, which can lead to a whole host of other problems. How can seniors prevent mental health problems from occurring or worsening?
Senior companion care
Senior companion care is a service that is sometimes overlooked, but it never should be. Of course, the families of seniors want to spend as much time with them and help them as much as possible. But this is not always practical. For one, many seniors are proud and well-respected for all they have accomplished in their long lives. It can be very difficult for them to ask for help. Especially if they need help with an emotional or mental health problem. Unfortunately, there is still a stigma around mental health issues. And this is even truer for seniors, many of whom grew up in a society that did not discuss mental or emotional health problems at all. Your senior family members could be in distress and not want to tell you.
How senior companion care works
Senior companion care consists of a care provider visiting the client in their home and spending time with them. The caregiver’s primary focus is the client’s mental and emotional wellbeing. They will talk to them, ask them if they have any problems, help them keep up with correspondence, or just play games with them. Even with all the love and affection in the world, the families of seniors are often too busy or live too far to spend a lot of time with them. Senior companion care can alleviate this problem and it also opens the door for more personal, physical care if and when that becomes needed.
Contact us
If you would like to learn more about senior companion care, please contact us today.