In-home companionship care involves caregivers visiting seniors in their homes and helping them with their mental health. Here are four issues with which it can help.
1. In-Home Companionship Helps Alleviate Loneliness.
Loneliness affects pretty much everybody at some stage in their life. For seniors, however, it’s a more common problem. As we live our lives, we move around a lot. We move for school, for work, for love, and just because we feel like it. Sometimes seniors choose to retire to a different city, but regardless of how it happens, many seniors find themselves living out their retirement in a city in which they have few, if any, family or friends.
Without going into work every day, such seniors’ interaction can be very limited. It’s easy to become lonely. In-home companionship caregivers can help. They visit seniors in their homes and spend time with them. They talk to them, listen to their concerns, reminisce with them, play card and board games with them, and help them keep up with correspondence.
2. In-Home Companionship Helps Ease Depression.
Depression often follows loneliness, but there are numerous possible causes of depression, especially for seniors. And sometimes, depression can seem to come from nowhere. Having somebody to talk to can help. Some seniors feel more comfortable talking about their mental health struggles with caregivers than friends or family. Caregivers can also monitor the emotional wellbeing of seniors and advise their loved ones if they see cause for concern.
3. In-Home Companionship Can Reground Seniors In Reality.
Along with loneliness and depression, living in isolation can detach seniors from the outside world. They may not understand what’s happening in the world and they may be vulnerable to scams and cons. Caregivers can keep seniors abreast of important events and help them stay in contact with their friends and family. This can include technological assistance, such as with setting up video calls or sending emails.
4. In-Home Companionship Can Be A Great Form Of Pre-alzheimer’s Or Dementia Care.
According to the CDC, nearly six million Americans live with Alzheimer’s disease or other forms of dementia, the vast majority of them aged over 65. People with these neurodegenerative diseases require special care. These are progressive diseases, which means they get worse over time. The positive aspect of this is that, for months to years following diagnosis, most people with dementia are still quite high functioning.
Implementing care early can reap great rewards later. It’s important to get seniors with dementia acclimated to certain basic routines. In-home companionship caregivers can help with this and monitor the progression of the condition.
Executive Home Care
To learn about Executive Home Care’s in-home companionship services, please contact us today.