Memory Building Activities for Seniors

Strengthening memory is important for seniors, especially for seniors with Alzheimer’s. Memory building activities should be fun and exciting, not only will they hold your loved one’s attention, they also provide more benefits than tedious activities.

Here are some great activities for memory:

  • Bingo

You can use a variety of boards to keep the game interesting. Instead of number try using foods, colors, animals or even body parts. You can choose whichever board suits your loved one’s interests.

  • Cross words

Crosswords are great because they require focusing on letters, spelling and words, all of which boost cognitive processing.

  • Puzzles

Puzzles use critical thinking and memory of an image, making it a great way to boost memory.

  • Memory games

You probably remember playing memory games when you were younger, but these games work just as well with the elderly.

  • Board games

Board games get seniors thinking, remembering and doing several tasks at once. But they aren’t only great for memory, board games are the perfect way to spend family time together. People of all ages love board games, so why not make it a family game night? Spending time with family, playing games and telling stories is one of the best ways to help seniors with memory.

Memory building activities do not have to be boring or a chore. There are a lot of ways to make them fun for your elderly loved ones and you can even get the rest of your family to join in as well!

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