Tips for buying a walk-in tub

According to the National Institute on Aging, 80% of senior falls occur in the bathroom. Luckily, there are many things that can help fall-proof a bathroom, one on that list is purchasing a walk-in tub.

  • Research

Always do your research before buying a big product like this, look at the features and functionality of the different types of tubs.  Make sure to check prices online and see them in person, if possible.

  • Read reviews

Reviews are a critical part of the research process. Try to look for independent reviews, away from the manufacturer’s website.

  • Know your needs

Are you looking for an all-in-one product? Are you interested in additional ‘bells and whistles’? Make sure to have a must-haves list, it will help you narrow down your list of options. Also consider the installation process, and what your deadlines are.

  • Consider warranties and return policies

You may love a product online, but that does not mean you’ll love it in person, so it’s important to know what the return policies are. Also, remember that walk-in tubs have more parts than a normal tubs, and parts can break. Make sure to review warranties before making a final decision.

  • Consult a plumber

Before you make a final purchase, consult a plumber to make sure that the tub will be able to be installed properly. The last thing you want is to buy a tub that cannot be installed.

Walk-in tubs are considered adaptive equipment and support the on-going health, safety and independence of your aging loved one. It may be a big purchase, but the right purchase will be an investment.

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