The Dangers of Too Much Sodium

Salt makes food taste better, but too much salt can be very bad for your health. Salt is a common preservative and it can be difficult to track your sodium intake, but as we age it is important to become more proactive about health.

Studies have shown that diets that are high in sodium can cause high blood pressure, which can increase the risk of heart attack, stroke, kidney disease and possibly osteoporosis.

Here are some tips to managing your sodium intake:

  • Read labels

Reading and understanding food labels is a crucial part of taking control of your health. Adults over the age of 51 should limit sodium intake to 1,500 mg a day, so when looking at food labels, try to avoid foods with over 400 mg of sodium.

  • Cook for yourself

Cooking is a great way to manage sodium intake because you add it yourself! Canned and pre-made foods have the most sodium, so buying fresh food and preparing it yourself will automatically cut out a lot of the extra sodium.

  • Explore other flavors

While salt does enhance flavor, there are so many more options out there! Try garlic, pepper, lemon juice, ginger and even more herbs and spices to add extra flavor to any of your meals.

There is a strong connection between nutrition and overall health. By making a few small changes to your diet, you can keep the negative effects of many conditions at bay.

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